After three years at Kingdom Hub, the time has come for the big move
as the owners are redeveloping the property.
Pastor Hendrik Scott contacted me and offered us the use of the DRC church in Kloof Nek Road, Tamboerskloof.
Parking in Upper Union Street.
(Because of security concerns, the gates will be closed at 18h30 on Friday evening and at 10h30 on Shabbat mornings. As we do not have keys to the premises, these times are set. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate
late comers)
The facilities are excellent and we are excited at what the Lord has in store for us. Our first services in the new venue will be on
erev Shabbat, 1st September
Shabbat morning, 2nd September
Service times: Erev Shabbat – 18h15 – 19h45
Shabbat mornings: 10h00 – 11h45
(you are invited to arrive earlier on Shabbat morning at 09h00 for some tea/coffee/rusks and a time of schmoozing)