THE HIGH HOLY DAYS 2021 - 5781
Below is the list of all the chaggim (festivals) in September including all the links to the services. I will repost them individually before each festival. My suggestion is print them out and/or mark these dates on your calendar. Furthermore, we encourage all who are able to attend to do so.

It is easier to link to the services from the comfort of our homes, especially in these cold and wet days. The decision to physically attend, requires more of an effort. But, your laptop, cell phone or TV, cannot replace real fellowship! Furthermore, we will adhere to all necessary protocols which includes wearing masks during all the services, sanitising and maintaining safe distancing throughout.
The service will be followed by a picnic supper for those who wish to remain behind after the service. The emphasis is picnic and you need to bring everything you might need including crockery, cutlery and juice plus glasses. Again, all current protcols will be followed.
EREV ROSH HASHANA Monday 6th September @ Beit Ariel
Speaker: Rabbi Bruce Cohen, Beth El, Manhattan
Beit Ariel Messianic Jewish Congregation is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Erev Rosh HaShana
Time: Sep 6, 2021 06:15 PM Harare, Pretoria
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 817 0893 4975
Passcode: 583600