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Links for Shabbat Services - 17th & 18th June 2022

Links for Shabbat Services - 17th & 18th June 2022

Parashat Beha’alotecha

Numbers 8:1–12:16, Zechariah 2:14-4:7; John 12:1-26

Aaron is commanded to raise light in the lamps of the menorah, and the tribe of Levi is initiated into the service in the Sanctuary. A “Second Passover” (Pesach Sheni) is instituted in response to the petition “Why should we be deprived?” by a group of Jews who were unable to bring the Passover offering in its appointed time because they were ritually impure. G‑d instructs Moses on the procedures for Israel’s journeys and encampments in the desert, and the people journey in formation from Mount Sinai, where they had been camped for nearly a year.

Moses appoints 70 elders, to whom he imparts of his spirit, to assist him in the burden of governing the people.




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