EREV HANUKKAH - The Festival of Lights
We will celebrate Hanukkah at our new venue on
Thursday 10th December 2020 Time: 18h15
Address: 3 Roodehek Street, Gardens (off Buitenkant Street)
Supper: Because of covid protocols, it will be a picnic supper i.e. bring everything you need – food, juice, crockery and cutlery etc
We will also take up a free will offering for the ministry of Tents of Mercy – Oheil Rachamim in Israel. This Israeli ministry functions on various levels. They are primarily a messianic Synagogue celebrating the Torah roots of our new covenant faith in the Messiah. But they are also a sharing community who strives to follow the apostolic pattern of extending G-d’s Kingdom through sending out teams to do humanitarian aid, evangelism and congregation planting in unreached areas of Israel. We ask that you come prepared with your offerings in an envelope.
If you are unable to attend and would still want to support this ministry, please go to www.beitariel.org and you can use one of several platforms to give an offering. Please use 'TENTS' as a reference.
Edie Sher will be our speaker.
We look forward to celebrating this festival with you.
Blessings in Messiah
Herschel Raysman (on behalf of our leadership team)