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Counting the Omer - S'firat HaOmer


Leviticus 23:15-16

From the day after the day of rest -that is, from the day you bring the sheaf for waving -you are to count seven full weeks, until the day after the seventh week; you are to count fifty days…

The omer (Hebrew: עֹ֫מֶר) is an ancient Israelite unit of dry measure used in the era of the Temple in Jerusalem. It is used in the Bible as an ancient unit of volume for grains and dry commodities, and the Torah mentions it as being equal to one-tenth of an ephah. An appointed cohen (priest) went into the fields of the barley crops and selected the first ripened sheathes. He brought this omer of barley sheathes to the Temple. At a certain point during the ceremony, this omer was waved as an offering to HaShem, in the understanding that if the first part of the harvest was acceptable to God, His blessing would be upon the entire harvest that was yet to be gathered in.

The Hillel calendar count begins on Aviv 16, the day after the High Sabbath or the Festive Sabbath of the first day of Unleavened Bread i.e.16th Nisan, the first day of counting the omer, which falls on Wednesday, 24th April 2024.

Day 1: 16 Aviv, April 24

Day 2: 17 Aviv, April 25

Day 3: 18 Aviv, April 26

Day 4: 19 Aviv, April 27

Day 5: 20 Aviv, April 28

Day 6: 21 Aviv, April 29

Day 7: 22 Aviv, April 30

Day 8: 23 Aviv, May 1

Day 9: 24 Aviv, May 2

Day 10: 25 Aviv, May 3

Day 11: 26 Aviv, May 4

Day 12: 27 Aviv, May 5

Day 13: 28 Aviv, May 6

Day 14: 29 Aviv, May 7

Day 15: 30 Aviv, May 8

Day 16: 1 Iyyar, May 9

Day 17: 2 Iyyar, May 10

Day 18: 3 Iyyar, May 11

Day 19: 4 Iyyar, May 12

Day 20: 5 Iyyar, May 13

Day 21: 6 Iyyar, May 14

Day 22: 7 Iyyar, May 15

Day 23: 8 Iyyar, May 16

Day 24: 9 Iyyar, May 17

Day 25: 10 Iyyar, May 18

Day 26: 11 Iyyar, May 19

Day 27: 12 Iyyar, May 20

Day 28: 13 Iyyar, May 21

Day 29: 14 Iyyar, May 22

Day 30: 15 Iyyar, May 23

Day 31: 16 Iyyar, May 24

Day 32: 17 Iyyar, May 25

Day 33: 18 Iyyar, May 26

Day 34: 19 Iyyar, May 27

Day 35: 20 Iyyar, May 28

Day 36: 21 Iyyar, May 29

Day 37: 22 Iyyar, May 30

Day 38: 23 Iyyar, May 31

Day 39: 24 Iyyar, June 1

Day 40: 25 Iyyar, June 2

Day 41: 26 Iyyar, June 3

Day 42: 27 Iyyar, June 4

Day 43: 28 Iyyar, June 5

Day 44: 29 Iyyar, June 6

Day 45: 1 Sivan, June 7

Day 46: 2 Sivan, June 8

Day 47: 3 Sivan, June 9

Day 48: 4 Sivan, June 10

Day 49: 5 Sivan, June 11

Day 50: 6 Sivan, June 12

The B’racha (prayer):

Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheynu Melech haolam, asher kideshanu

bemitzvotav vetzivanu al sefirat haomer.


Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has sanctified us with His instructions, and commanded us concerning the counting of the Omer.

Then, we count each day by saying

“today is the ……… of the omer.” “May the Merciful One restore unto us the service of the Bet Hamikdash (the Temple) to its place, speedily in our days; Amen, Selah.”



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