On Friday evening the 29th November, after our erev Shabbat service, we will enjoy our final bring 'n share supper of 2024. It is a savoury finger supper. It is also 'milchik' i.e. no meat or chicken products. So, bring ready made vegetable quiches, sandwiches with tuna, egg, cheese fillings, bring salad sticks and assorted dips, bring fried fish and fish cakes etc. Also, bring fruit juices and of course, a cheesecake or two.
The d'rash is titled "Can God hate?". IN the parasha, we read that HaShem said "Jacob I love; Esau I hated". How do we correctly interpret this?
We invite you to join us as we worship the risen Messiah
and celebrate His goodness.
Time: 18h15
NG Church, corner Kloof Nek Road and Upper Union Street.
(A car guard is on duty)